Easter Sermon 2020

Bishop Margaret Easter Sermon – 12 April 2020

Please also see the Easter messages of the Archbishop of Cape Town and Archbishop of Canterbury

“The discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave his followers new hope and fresh purpose and we can all take heart from this.‬ ‪As dark as death can be, particularly for those suffering with grief, light and life are greater.” The Queen today speaks powerfully of Easter hope and light. As Her Majesty says, in this dark and difficult time, the Good News of Christ’s resurrection is our guide.

A message for Easter from Her Majesty The Queen

“The discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave his followers new hope and fresh purpose and we can all take heart from this.‬‪As dark as death can be, particularly for those suffering with grief, light and life are greater.”The Queen today speaks powerfully of Easter hope and light.As Her Majesty says, in this dark and difficult time, the Good News of Christ’s resurrection is our guide.

Posted by Archbishop of Canterbury on Saturday, 11 April 2020