The Spirit is moving in our beloved Diocese, as we are nourished through prayer. To know that we hold each other in the embrace of prayer is beyond price and extraordinarily sustaining. We are cared for by the traditional networks of family, friends and parish, as well as the twenty-first century ones that criss-cross the globe via email and twitter. And then there are the calming, comforting moments of one’s own prayer, a boon for insomniacs. God’s grace redeems us all, however imperfect, scarred and wounded we are.
As Christians, we make every effort to go to church on Ascension Day, even though it is no longer a public holiday. Be open to all that is startling and beautiful about the Ascension of our Lord.
At Pentecost, we welcome anew the Spirit of the Universe, the Spirit of our hearts, into our lives. I greet the Fire of Love within you as we are On Fire with the Messiah! May the Spirit of Pentecost enlighten our minds to recognize where our love has grown dim. May the spark of the Spirit renew our desire to give ourselves ever more completely to God’s service.
The focus of our Bishop’s Forums this year is ‘Servant Leadership’.
Our Churchwardens have been refreshed and renewed by their participation in these forums, one in the urban area of the Diocese and the other in the rural parts of our Diocese. We spoke about our struggles and training needs. Our Chancellor enlightened us about the Constitution and Canons of the Province as well as the Pastoral Standards, Acts and Resolutions of the Diocese. Our Administrator addressed us on the financial administration of a Parish and the role and responsibilities of Churchwardens. I spoke about the Vision of the Diocese and ACSA.
Lay Ministers, please do not miss the Lay Ministers Forum in Worcester on 22 June 2019. We have a full and interesting programme lined up for you. It will include the Spirituality of Lay Ministers; Preaching Course for Lay Ministers introduction; constructing prayers; how to lead a service of Comfort (before a funeral); Growing in our understanding and appreciation for what it means to be an Anglican. As we will be gathering at a school, there will be plenary sessions and separate workshops.
Much has happened since the last publication of the Anchor.
Our Diocesan organisations are alive and well to the glory of God. Confirmations are also in full swing. I am encouraged by the exuberance of our candidates. We do give thanks to God that some of our activities are slightly sponsored with overseas funding as our visitors want to see us flourish and grow.
Archdeacon Leslie retired on 31 May after 34 years of active ordained ministry. Thank you Fr Les for all the years of effort and toil. We shall miss you and pray that you will enjoy the rhythm of retirement with your family. Live the dreams you have waited for.
Canon Rodney Whiteman has been appointed as the New Archdeacon with effect from 1 June.
In closing, God is blessing us enormously. Let us drop any destructive habits. Do something different and positive. Drop the story line, catch the emotional reaction and cultivate compassion.
Love, Joy, Peace and Prayers.